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Mudra Publications

Essence of Tantra Series


Rob Preece

Essence of Tantra Series:

In this series of books following Tasting the Essence of Tantra, Rob Preece takes specific areas of tantra into more depth. He continues to follow the principles first taught by his teacher Lama Thubten Yeshe, bringing together the worlds of Western psychology and Buddhist understanding. It is his unique depth of experience of both worlds that gives this new series a sense of aliveness and creativity. This will be invaluable to both new and experienced practitioners to enable a deepening of the effectiveness of the tantric path.

Green Tara

Manifesting Active Compassion

Green Tara is one of the most-loved deities within the Tibetan pantheon. She is the embodiment of the divine mother, “the mother of all the buddhas”, and is now venerated around the world as a loving, protecting presence. As a bodhisattva willing to remain in the world as a woman, to demonstrate the process of awakening, she is a powerful role model for women in the Buddhist world. When we look more deeply into the symbolic significance of her nature, we discover qualities that are of great importance to anyone involved in the work of caring for others. This book explores the many facets of Tara’s nature from a psychological perspective and clarifies the importance of a balance of compassion and wisdom when engaged acts of caring. Our relationship to Tara can bring into awareness the nature of “mother” in our life and Rob also introduces meditations that can help heal what may be a painful relationship to our own mother. We learn how Tara can be a powerful, compassionate and wise holding presence as we step into the world to serve others. 

​Published by Mudra Publications. ISBN: 978-1-7399402-5-6

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Clarifying Our Relationship to Power

We live in a time when our relationship to power has become a critical issue both personally and collectively. Even in the Buddhist world the nature of power often goes unaddressed even though it is present within the authority of the traditions and teacher student relationships. When we deny, ignore or fear our power it can become hidden in the shadow and then manifest in destructive ways. How then do discover a healthy relationship to its presence? To a bodhisattva the power of the awakened mind is the capacity to be effective and beneficial in the service of others. The deity Vajrapani gives us a means to clarify, awaken and transform our innate potential for a skilful embodiment of the power to be effective in our lives. He is an archetypal  expression of one of the “gods in our diseases” as C.G. Jung called them. In this book Rob Preece brings together Buddhist and Jungian understanding to the clarification of our relationship to power as an innate potential within our nature, something that is extremely valuable at this time.

Published by Mudra Publications. ISBN 978-1-7399402-3-2

Available from Amazon

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Embodying Compassionate Presence

Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, is probably the most familiar Tibetan Buddhist deity. As the Buddha of Compassion he embodies the compassionate presence that is central to a bodhisattva’s capacity to serve the welfare of others. Compassionate presence is perhaps the most healing quality we can offer another. It is needed if we are to begin to heal some of our core emotional and psychological wounds within both ourselves and others. This book delves into the psychological roots of our human suffering from early wounding onwards to explore how the practice of Chenrezig can be a profound and powerful healing resource. Rob Preece brings together years of experience as both psychotherapist and Buddhist teacher to illuminate a way of practice that is fresh, creative and highly relevant to health and well-being in our contemporary life.

Published by Mudra Publications. ISBN 978-1-7399402-2-5

Available from Amazon

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Heart Essence

Enhancing Qualities of the Awakening Mind

We live in uncertain times, and to engage in the world to serve the welfare of others requires great courage and dedication. In Buddhism, a bodhisattva is one whose life is dedicated to awaken in the service of others. A bodhisattva’s intention of bodhicitta, the awakening mind, is rooted in compassion, love and the courage to live in a challenging world, transforming adversity into the path of awakening. In Heart Essence, Rob Preece brings a fresh enquiry into the qualities that support a bodhisattva’s journey, including many of the psychological challenges encountered in the process of awakening. He draws on his years of experience both as a psychotherapist and a tantric practitioner to explore what needs to be cultivated to enhance the qualities of bodhicitta and also how we can embody these in our lives. This will be of value to those who aspire, particularly as tantric practitioners, to the life of a bodhisattva.

Published by Mudra Publications. ISBN 978-1-7399402-1-8

Available from Amazon

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The Mandala and Visions of Wholeness 

Within Tibetan Buddhism and Jungian Psychology


Carl Jung saw the mandala as an extremely significant archetype within the human psyche that expressed itself time and again in different cultures. The need within us to bring this archetype of wholeness into material expression is testament to the importance of its presence. Possibly the most complex and intricate expression of the mandala is to be found within the Buddhist tantric tradition. In this book Rob Preece brings together the richness of understanding from the Tibetan tradition with the psychological insights gained through Jung’s exploration. This creates a synthesis that can be of great benefit to Western tantric practitioners both new and old.

Published by Mudra Publications. ISBN 978-1-7399402-0-1

Available from Amazon

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Due for publication through 2025 - 26

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© 2015 Rob Preece

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