Meditation in the Vajrayana tradition

Retreat Program 2024
In the UK
November 15-22, 2024
Devon (residential ) (Rob & Anna)
Venue: Brimpts Farm, Dartmeet, Devon
Cost: £750 - £950 accommodation, food and facilitation fee. (See note*)
Places for these retreats will be limited to 12 so please book early.
(A deposit of £400 is required to reserve a place.)
For information and to apply contact Rob or Anna:
In Europe
September 27-29, 2024
Copenhagen: Vajrapani retreat
For more information contact:
November 8-10, 2024
Prague: Vajrapani retreat
For more information contact:
On-Line Vajrapani retreat in California:
April 2024
For information contact:
Tasting the Essence of Tantra:
An eight module archive retreat series from recordings created by Rob.
Next series to begin 2025
Meditation and movement retreats
led by
Rob Preece and Anna Murray Preece
Tibetan Buddhism is vast and profound. It incorporates many different aspects of Buddhist philosophy and practice contained within both the Sutra and Tantra traditions. As the Tibetan tradition has come to the West it has needed to evolve to suit the Western mind and life. Rob has spent many years deepening his experience of Tibetan Buddhism alongside his psychotherapy work and brings together these worlds in his teaching. He has also explored what practices are especially beneficial for Western minds so that they meet our particular psychological needs.
The Tantric or Vajrayana school of Buddhism has a living lineage of experience passed down from the time of the Buddha and held intact within the Tibetan tradition. During the past fifty years Tantra has gradually been introduced to the west. Today it still remains one of the most profound esoteric approaches to spiritual transformation.
At the heart of Tantra is the principle of creative transformation, embodying and manifesting our essential nature in the world creatively and compassionately. To understand Tantra requires experience, not just intellectual knowledge. These retreats are aimed at providing a foundation of practice that can be built upon and deepened. They provide an opportunity for those with experience of meditation to continue to develop their practice. They also offer an introduction to meditation from the Tantric tradition for those who have not explored this kind of practice.
The heart of meditation will be the practice of Mahamudra for the cultivation of clarity and insight into the nature of the mind, as well as the exploration of the principles of deity practice central to Buddhist Tantra. The non residential retreats will also include periods of a healing movement process called Kum Nye.
In the residential retreats in Devon UK, meditation will be supported by movement led by Anna to help embody experience more fully and add a dynamic expression of our vitality. Movement helps the transformation and release of stagnant, blocked energy in the body which can result from prolonged sitting. It also facilitates the process of grounding and integrating meditation through the body. Anna has worked with movement alongside these meditation retreats for many years and helped to create an important resource for processing experiences that arise in the course of retreat. For more information on Anna's work go to www.healingfromthesource.co.uk
These retreats are silent but time is provided for discussion and exploration of problems that can arise in integrating meditation practice. Those who attend these retreats are welcome to receive further mentoring to support on going practice if they so wish.
*Those who are familiar with our retreats will notice we have changed how we are pricing them. We want our retreats be inclusive but have come to realise that we are not charging appropriately for increasing organisational costs. Therefore we are trying out a sliding scale. Please place yourself on this scale, between £750 and £950. We also have a bursary fund for those who need extra financial support and you are welcome to contribute to this if you would like.

For further information please contact robpreece@mudra.co.uk