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Meditation and Movement Retreat

Healing from the Source

Vajrasattva Retreat





Rob Preece & Anna Murray-Preece


Brimpts Farm, Dartmeet, Devon.


November 15 - 22, 2024


Fee £750 - £950*

(A deposit of £400 is required to reserve a place.)

(Numbers are limited to 12 so please apply early)


We each have within us an innate source of health, vitality and wisdom known as our Buddha Nature. In the Tantric tradition we can awaken a relationship to this source of healing through the practice of Vajrasattva. This retreat offers an opportunity to experience the extraordinary nature of this way of healing. It will combine the practices of Mahamudra and Healing Movement to enable the liberation and transformation of the energy of emotions, stress and tension held in the body. This is our annual Vajrasattva retreat which is ideal for those who having attended before wish to deepen or restore their practice

Traditionally the practice of Vajrasattva is one of the preliminary practices for Tantra and is seen as a profound purification practice. It is a foundation of awakening to our innate nature that can become a resource throughout our life. The process of movement is a significant aspect of this retreat crating a space and tools to transform and liberate our emotional life. It can also help to bridge the gap between our meditation practice and our daily life. The movement practice can also enhance our meditation and free energy that may have become stuck in sitting practice. The practice of Mahamudra opens us to the innate, pristine nature of the the mind and the experience of non-duality. This spacious awareness is the ground within which all of our practice rests.


During this retreat we will also give time to develop the practices associated with the cultivation of Tummo or "inner heat" and will be particularly appropriate for those who have worked with Anna and Rob before. We will be exploring the healing potential of this practice at is opens up our relationship to the energy body.


This retreat is for those who have experience of meditation within the Buddhist tantric tradition, it is not considered an introduction for those without experience. Anyone wishing to attend who has not worked with either Rob or Anna, will be asked to meet or speak over Skype to see whether this retreat is appropriate. 


*Those who are familiar with our retreats will notice we have changed how we are pricing them. We want our retreats be inclusive but have come to realise that we are not charging appropriately for increasing organisational costs. Therefore we are trying out a sliding scale. Please place yourself on this scale, between £750 and £950. We also have a bursary fund for those who need extra financial support and you are welcome to contribute to this if you would like.​



For further information please contact either 
For bookings please contact Anna



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